Bankleitzahl (BLZ) 79069150 - Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart

Bankleitzahl (BLZ code) is a numerical code used to identify financial institution branches in Germany. When sending money abroad, the 8 digits code is part of the IBAN.

Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart branches

Below is a list with all Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart branches having the bank code (BLZ) 79069150.

79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Aura i. Sinngrund 97773 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Birkenfeld 97834 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Burgsinn 97775 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Erlenbach b. Marktheidenfeld 97837 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Esselbach 97839 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Eußenheim 97776 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Fellen 97778 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Frammersbach 97833 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Gemünden a. Main 97733 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Gössenheim 97780 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Gräfendorf 97782 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Hafenlohr 97840 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Karbach 97842 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Karlstadt 97747 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Karsbach 97783 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Lohr a. Main 97816 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Marktheidenfeld 97820 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Mittelsinn 97785 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Neuendorf 97788 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Neuhütten 97843 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Neustadt a. Main 97845 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Obersinn 97791 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Partenstein 97846 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Rechtenbach 97848 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Remlingen 97280 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Rieneck 97794 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Rothenfels 97851 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Steinfeld 97854 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Thüngen 97289 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Triefenstein 97855 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Urspringen 97857 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Wiesen 63831 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Wiesthal 97859 67346
79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart Zellingen 97225 67346

Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart (Gf P2) branches

Below is a list with all Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart (Gf P2) branches having the bank code (BLZ) 79069150.

79069150 Raiffeisenbank Main-Spessart (Gf P2) Lohr a. Main 97816 77346

BLZ code format

All BLZ codes follow the same format in which each of the 8 digits conveys a piece of information to help the bank payment land in the correct account. The format used is as follows:


  • In this format the digit A tells you the geographic clearing area the bank account is held in.
  • The 2 digits which follow - BB - show the bank's more specific location.
  • Next comes C which shows the banking group - the type of banking institution the account is held in.
  • Finally we have the 4 digit DDDD segment which gives specific information about the individual branch which holds the account.

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Deutsche Bank Bankleitzahl (BLZ) FAQs

What is a German bank number (Bankleitzahl/BLZ)?

A Bankleitzahl - often shortened to BLZ - is an 8 digit code used when sending money from one bank to another within Germany. It’s the equivalent to a sort code in the UK, or a routing code in the US, and helps make sure bank to bank payments arrive swiftly and safely.

These days both international and domestic payments within Germany are made using an IBAN - international bank account number - which includes the BLZ code and account number, as well as other important information to guide the transfer.

How to find a bank number in Germany?

If you need to find the BLZ code for a recipient within Germany, you can do so easily using our Bankleitzahl search tool. Simply enter the city the recipient account is held in, and you’ll be shown a list of all the banks in that city along with their BLZ codes.

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