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Is DEUTAU2SGTB not what you were looking for? Use our tool to search for a different code.
Use this tool to check that a SWIFT code is active and valid.
Validate your SWIFT codeDepending on where you are sending money, you may need an IBAN number to send money via SWIFT.
Calculate your IBANWhen you send or receive an international wire with your bank, you might lose money on a bad exchange rate and pay hidden fees as a result. That’s because the banks still use an old system to exchange money. We recommend you use Wise, which is usually much cheaper. With their smart technology:
A SWIFT code (also known as a SWIFT-BIC, BIC code, SWIFT ID, or ISO 9362 code) is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is a unique identification code for both financial and non-financial institutions.
The code is used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. It can also be used to exchange other messages between banks. The SWIFT code is 8 or 11 characters long and made up of letters and numbers.
Here's the structure of a SWIFT Code:
For example, in the SWIFT code 'BARCGB22XXX':
It's important to use the correct SWIFT code when performing international money transfers as it ensures the funds reach the correct destination.
A SWIFT payment is an international wire transfer sent via the SWIFT international payment network. SWIFT, which stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, is a messaging network used by financial institutions worldwide to securely send and receive information, such as money transfer instructions.
In a SWIFT payment, banks use standardized SWIFT codes to send and receive unique money transfer instructions to each other, enabling them to make secure, cross-border transactions.
These codes identify each bank involved in the transfer process and ensure the money reaches the right destination. As a global standard for secure financial messaging, SWIFT connects more than 11,000 financial institutions in over 200 countries and territories. It is widely used for international money transfers, including business transactions, personal remittances, and foreign exchange.
The process may vary slightly depending on your bank, but these are the basic steps:
In a SWIFT payment, banks use standardized SWIFT codes to send and receive unique money transfer instructions to each other, enabling them to make secure, cross-border transactions.
DEUTAU2SGTB is the SWIFT code for DEUTSCHE BANK AG. It is registered at FLOOR 10, DEUTSCHE BANK PLACE 126 PHILIP STREET in Australia.
The SWIFT Code DEUTAU2SGTB code is 11 characters long, which indicates that it is a branch of DEUTSCHE BANK AG. The branch code is GTB.
According to our last database update, DEUTAU2SGTB is an active SWIFT code.
The SWIFT code tool is provided for informational purposes only. Whilst every effort is made to provide accurate data, users must acknowledge that this website accepts no liability whatsoever with respect to its accuracy. Only your bank can confirm the correct bank account information. If you are making an important or time-critical payment, we recommend you contact your bank first.
Check out the SWIFT codes for trending banks in the past 24 hours: